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Quality of Information All information on these pages is from sources deemed reliable.   However, information cannot be guaranteed.  Nothing on these pages is intended to replace a client's responsibility to obtain legal or financial advice from their own attorney, financial or medical counselor or any other professional.

Links to Remote Sites: In order to make your visit here more interesting and informative, we provide some hyper-links to other Web pages. These websites are not written by, and  are beyond the control of,  Janine Hook, Chuck Pierson,  Prudential Northwest Properties and the Classic Realty Group.  Users should exercise prudence in the use of these outside Web sites.  We provide links to such sites in good faith but cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of their content.  It is not unheard of for one website to be bought out by another website and filled with entirely different content.

Users must make their own judgments regarding the reliability and suitability of such sites.  

Where important issues are at stake, such as legal and financial matters, user should consult their own professional advisor or counselor. 

By using this website, users are stating that they agree with the above and will hold above parties harmless regarding user's results from using this website and its links.


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